Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
When Dr. Reatha Clark King from General Mills and Toni Green from the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) created the first Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 31 years ago, they had two main goals: to unite people committed to social justice and to help send more Black students to college.
Those commitments hold true today, and they are more important than ever.
This year’s virtual event featured a bold conversation between Dr. Bernice King, one of King’s daughters, and Ambassador Andrew Young.
To honor Dr. King, proceeds from the event are helping deserving students in the Minneapolis area go to college with UNCF scholarships.
To change the systemic inequality that Black people and other communities of color continue to face in America, brought to light for many by the killing of George Floyd and countless others last year, requires every single one of us to play a role.
“Under Dr. Reatha Clark King’s leadership, General Mills’ philanthropic and community partnerships in support of advancing racial equity and social justice only deepened,” says Nicola Dixon, executive director of the General Mills Foundation. “Collaborating with UNCF to create the MLK Breakfast in Minneapolis was among Reatha’s many legacy contributions, and it reminds us that equity must be everybody’s business.”
You can access the event recording here.